Phone Régie at the launch of the Employment and Disability Barometer
Last Thursday, the teams of Phone Régie, a brand of the Armonia group, took part in the launch of the Employment and Disability Barometer (Baromètre Emploi et Handicap) in the presence of Elisabeth Borne, Sophie Cluzel and Thibault Guilluy.
The Armonia disability mission (Mission Handicap) was present to talk about the "Les entreprises s'engagent" website, a tool enabling companies to display their actions in terms of disability policy and to progress together towards greater inclusion in employment of people with disabilities.
"Les entreprises s'engagent" was co-constructed with the State Secretariat for the Disabled, the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Integration, the High Commission for Employment and Business Commitment, Agefiph, FIPHFP and the Manifesto for Inclusion, of which Armonia is a signatory.
These were great moments of exchange which encourage us to go even further in our commitment to the inclusion of people with disabilities!
About Phone Régie:
Phone Régie, a brand of the Armonia group, is a specialist in corporate reception. Our activities are divided into 3 areas of expertise: visitors reception & telephone support (receptionist), concierge & employee well-being, customer relations centre (teleconsulting).